How I Booked 10 Speaking Engagements in 1 Week as a Brand New Speaker

In this masterclass, you will learn the powerful foundational tools I used to book over 48 speaking engagements in a year as a brand new speaker.

How to Use H.A.R.O to Attract Media for Instant Celebrity Status

In this masterclass, you will learn how I used Help A Reporter Out (HARO) to get featured and booked by some of the media outlets in the world.

How I Wrote 2 Books in 30 Days!

In this masterclass, I will walk you through my entire book writing process for self-publishing from start to finish! You do not have to figure everything out on your own.

The Ins and Outs of Speaker Contracts: Before, During and After the Speaking Gig

In this masterclass, you will receive my secret formula for managing your speaking opportunity before, during and after the gig. You will receive the exact speaker contract I use to secure 4-FIGURE and 5-FIGURE engagements.

Get Your C.O.I.N.S Bundle

A powerful bundle of masterclasses to help increase influence, income and visibility as a highly-paid speaker

The C.O.I.N. Crew Academy

This academy is only offered one-time per year to a limited amount of SERIOUS speakers.